About Us


Food Science is a coherent and systematic body of knowledge and understanding of the nature and composition of food materials and their behavior under the various conditions to which they may be subjected. It also deals with the treatment of food materials to convert them into food products of such nature, quality, and stability and so packaged and distributed as to meet the requirement of the consumer and safe and sound practice. Food science deals with the transformation of raw agricultural goods into food products acceptable for human consumption. This field of applied science involves studying diverse scientific disciplines such as chemistry, engineering, microbiology, biochemistry, toxicology, and management as they relate to food, and effectively applying the industrial and practical aspects to product development, food processing, preservation, and marketing. Food Science as a discipline is no doubt one of the bedrocks of achieving food security in Nigeria and other developing nations. The increasing demand by consumers for wholesome and nutritious food products and the need to reduce postharvest losses of raw agricultural products which have bedeviled the agro-industry warrants the need for the programme. The program will therefore be geared towards the production of graduates who are adequately equipped with comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical skills required for engaging in food production, processing, and preservation for national food self-sufficiency. The general philosophy of the program is to adopt a multi-disciplinary approach in training students to give a broad base of knowledge in all aspects of Food Science.