Dr. (Mrs.) Mutiat Adebanke Balogun

Dr. (Mrs.) Mutiat Adebanke Balogun

Home Economics & Food Science
Office Address
Room A2, Professorial Suite, Faculty of Agriculture Building, University of Ilorin
Teaching and Research Area
Plant Food Processing and Value Addition/Food Product Development.


Mutiat Adebanke BALOGUN is a Reader in the Department of Home Economics and Food Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ilorin almost two decades of university teaching, research, and administrative experience. She has served as a Level adviser, Postgraduate coordinator, Head of Department, and Sub Dean of the faculty. Her areas of research interest include Food Microbiology, Biotechnology, and Food Product Development. She has to her credit over forty publications in reputable outlets covering journals, edited conference proceedings, and chapters in books. She has successfully supervised over seven Masters dissertations and seventy undergraduate projects. She has equally won a research grant. Dr. Mutiat Adebanke Balogun is a member of many professional bodies within and outside Nigeria.